Monday, June 2, 2008


You uncover my heart.
Like a string around a spool.
You unravel me.
Gently unfolding,
rotation by rotation in Your hand.
Observing each thought,
each action.
I try to hide,
stay tightly wound,
but the tighter I hold onto me,
the weaker I become.
And it takes nothing for You
to come and unravel my heart
and I become nothing
but a mess of string at Your feet.
Yet how gracious is Your love.
You pick me up
and like a tapestry,
you weave me into the story
you have written.


Jules~ said...

Colleen, that is such a beautiful piece of poetry. Isn't so humbling and awe inspiring to know just a glimpse of how much He knows us and has planned for us?

Susan Skitt said...

Yes, when we become "undone" then He can weave us into His tapestry... lovely poem dear Colleen.