Sunday, October 28, 2007

Song with no Sound

My heart aches for Your Song.
My soul longs for the distant melody of Heaven.
The sound I cannot hear.
Yet in my heart I know that it is playing.
How strange, to not hear with my ears.
Yet I hear with my heart.
I ignorantly search through my music collection, looking for the sound that I hear so that I can somehow match it in the flesh. But I cannot find the right music. I don't think it exists on earth. If it does, I haven't heard it yet. It's like I just know that you sing to me. You entice me by your love. You call me first. Then it's like I realize I've been sleeping. "Arise oh sleeper! Arise and shake yourself from the dust!" And I realized last night that I have been so thirsty for you. And I thirst for you all day. And I eat food, and I buy things, and listen to music and I have conversations...and I think that these are the things that I'm needing. And I do, but then you cause me to realize that really...I thirst continually for you.
Fill my mouth Lord.
Fill my cup.
Fill me up.
Let me overflow for your purpose.
Let me overflow for your people, your creation.
Your love is so beautiful to me.
As are You.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Dream

I had this dream once. I dreamt that a man came to take me out to dinner. He was taller than me and I had to look up to see his face, but I was shy because whenever I looked at him he was intensely looking at me, every time. So I never got a good look. I just remember that he was tall with dark hair, a beard and wavy hair that was nicely combed back.

He came to pick me up in a limousine and I remember feeling silly about how unnecessary it seemed to come and get me in something so fancy. Something you would only use for a special occasion. Nevertheless, we ended up at beautiful and elegant restaurant with a soft ambiance and I was looking at the prices of everything and remarked how expensive everything was and all the wine was expensive too.

I remember thinking how I couldn't afford anything there. But He said to me very matter of fact. “I’m ordering the best wine, so you might as well get whatever you want.” It was like his way of saying that money was no object of concern. All through dinner I was trying to divert my eyes from his because he kept staring at me. I kept looking at my plate and around the room. I kept having that feeling of “What are you looking at?” but I didn’t say anything.

After dinner, we got back in the limousine so he could take me home. I remember sitting next to the door and he was sitting in the middle next to me. He had his right arm around my shoulder. Then I remember thinking that I was being an idiot and this man was obviously crazy about me and I didn’t think I was worth it to him, but he did.
I remember thinking to myself that I didn’t want to let this man love me because I didn’t feel worth it, but he loved me anyway. So I decided that if he was going to love me regardless, then I wanted to allow myself to love him back.

It was hard for me to reach out to him emotionally but I did it anyway. I tentatively took my right arm and wrapped it around his side which caused me to lean into him. I realized he had been waiting for me to do this because upon doing so he immediately wrapped his left arm around me and embraced me in a hug. With my head under his chin I was compelled to look up at him one more time. I knew he wanted me too. As I tilted my head up he was already looking down at me with eyes filled with such love that I have never felt or seen before.

It was then that I awoke and upon sitting up in bed I realized…that it was Jesus.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Good and the Bad

In a world full of 'bad boys', it takes a lot of self control be a 'good girl'...and choose to stay one.